News Discussion
DASSAI Sake Takes on the World's First Space Brewing Challenge


Weekly News Digest

DASSAI Sake Takes on the World's First Space Brewing Challenge



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


What would sake brewed on the moon taste like? To find out, Asahi Shuzo, the maker of the celebrated Japanese sake brand DASSAI, will embark on a groundbreaking experiment by brewing Japanese sake in space this fall.

This world-first initiative is part of the brewery's ambition to explore the future of sake production beyond Earth.

According to the plan announced on February 17, this experiment envisions a future when humans live on the moon, and DASSAI is brewed there. The project involves fermenting 520 grams of mash — the core ingredient of sake — aboard Japan's Kibo module on the International Space Station. Fermentation will take place in a specially designed container that simulates the moon's low-gravity environment (1/6 of Earth's gravity). Once the mash returns to Earth, DASSAI will produce a single glass (approximately 100ml) of sake for sale and another for analysis.

This one-of-a-kind 100ml bottle of DASSAI MOON – Made in Space will be priced at a staggering ¥110 million JPY (approximately $724,800 USD). All proceeds will be donated to future space development projects. With inquiries already pouring in, the buyer will be chosen via lottery in the case of multiple offers.

In addition to the lottery for the space-brewed sake, the Isetan event will feature exclusive DASSAI products, including:

・Asahi Shuzo's special limited edition of DASSAI Blue, brewed in the United States and

・A limited-release bottle featuring an illustrated label by manga artist Kenshi Hirokane featuring the renowned composer Joe Hisaishi.

Ahead of this revolutionary venture, Isetan Shinjuku is holding the DASSAI The Stage event from February 19 to 25. On those days, DASSAI will offer an exclusive opportunity to enter the lottery for the world's first sake brewed in space.

At the press announcement on February 17, Asahi Shuzo Chairman Hiroshi Sakurai emphasized DASSAI's global ambitions. He said,

"Japan must establish itself as a premium brand on the world stage, and sake has the power to do so. This project is also about inspiring young brewers to dream big. Our goal is to achieve annual sales of ¥100 billion (approximately $658 million), and space brewing is just the first step. We invite everyone to join us on DASSAI's bold new challenge."

Source:DASSAI Sake Takes on the World's First Space Brewing Challenge JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. embark on (計画・事業など)に乗り出す、着手する
    He embarked on a journey to South America to study wildlife.
  2. 2. simulate (研究や訓練などのために~を)シミュレーションする、模倣する;(~の)ふりをする、(~を)装う
    The pilot trained in a special machine that simulates real flight conditions.
  3. 3. one-of-a-kind 唯一無二の、ユニークな、独特な
    The museum has a one-of-a-kind painting that cannot be found anywhere else.
  4. 4. staggering 驚くべき、信じられないほどの;よろめいている、ふらついている、千鳥足の
    She has a staggering amount of knowledge about ancient history.
  5. 5. pour in 大量に押し寄せる、殺到する;投入する、注入する
    After the singer announced a new concert, ticket requests poured in.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. What is the main goal of Asahi Shuzo's experiment in space?
  2. 2. What special condition does the fermentation process in space simulate?
  3. 3. According to Hiroshi Sakurai, why is sake important for Japan’s global brand?
  4. 4. If you could create a product in space, what would it be and why?
  5. 5. Do you think space experiments like this are important for the future? Why or why not?


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Weekly News Digest



「月で造る酒は、どんな味がするのだろう。」日本酒の「獺祭」を製造する旭酒造(本社・山口県岩国市)が、これを確かめるべく、宇宙での日本酒醸造に今秋から挑む。もちろん世界初の大実験である。それに先立つ2月19日(火)から1週間、伊勢丹新宿店では、イベント「獺祭 ザ・ステージ」を開催し、人類初の宇宙醸造酒の予約販売を行う。なぜ、「獺祭」は宇宙にまでこだわるのかー。



伊勢丹新宿店ではこのほか、期間中、米国で醸造された「DASSAI BLUE」の特別限定品や、日本を代表する作曲家、久石譲さんを漫画家の弘兼憲史さんが描いたイラストラベルの限定ボトルなども販売するという。


出典:世界初の〝宇宙醸造〟に挑戦する「獺祭」 25日まで伊勢丹新宿店で販売イベント開催 JAPAN Forward


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