News Discussion
Will Miyagi's Cemetery for Muslims Solve Its Depopulation Crisis?


Weekly News Digest

Will Miyagi's Cemetery for Muslims Solve Its Depopulation Crisis?



Directions: Read the following article aloud.


Miyagi Prefecture Governor Yoshihiro Murai is pressing ahead with plans to create a cemetery for Muslims who reject cremation for religious reasons. These plans have caused concern, with the prefectural government receiving approximately 1,200 inquiries. Most of them raised objections. Citing Japan's declining population and labor shortages, Murai insists, "Irrespective of criticism, we must do this."

Liberal Democratic Party member Kenji Sasaki addressed the matter at a prefectural assembly meeting on February 19. "We cannot move forward on this project without the understanding of the residents," he stated. Sasaki added that it was "a highly sensitive issue."

Governor Murai takes a different view. He says ongoing research shows that not only foreigners but also Japanese citizens are seeking different burial options. He further emphasizes, "Gaining the understanding of municipalities and local residents is crucial. We will carefully consider the issues and possible solutions before making a decision."

The controversy began with a press conference in December 2024. When asked about the burial ground plan, Governor Murai confirmed it, saying, "Building in the city is not feasible. That is why we are exploring suitable locations." Murai further emphasized, "While we advocate for a multicultural society, it's concerning that we haven't given proper attention to cemeteries."

His initiative aligns with Miyagi's 2023 agreement with Indonesia on securing labor. Indonesia, home to the world's largest Muslim population, prohibits cremation based on Islamic beliefs. In 2023, the prefecture entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Indonesian government to secure human resources. Governor Murai visited Indonesia multiple times through 2024. He noted the appeal of its abundant labor market and exploring ways to address the chronic labor shortages facing local industries.

According to the Quran, cremation is forbidden. Cemeteries that allow burial are extremely limited, with only about 10 such sites nationwide, none of which are located in the Tohoku region. While burial is not favored in Japan, with municipal approval, under current Japanese law, it is allowed.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare's 'Report on Public Health Administration and Services,' Japan's cremation rate was 99.97% in 2017. Aiming to improve the environment for accepting Indonesian workers, the prefecture has proposed the construction of a burial site for Muslims. The responsible entity is still under consideration, including the possibility of a prefectural-run facility (according to the Food Safety Promotion Division).

In Oita Prefecture, a large-scale Islamic burial site project, the first of its kind in Kyushu, had progressed. However, following the mayoral election in 2024, a newly elected mayor, who firmly opposed the plan, effectively stalled the project, returning it to square one.

When asked if allowing burials is a straightforward issue, Murai replied, "Some may think I'm acting hastily or not listening to opinions. However, I believe I have the greatest sense of urgency among Miyagi residents about the population decline." He emphasized his resolve, stating, "I am determined to boldly tackle various challenges."

Given the worsening social conditions, such as population decline and labor shortages, will residents accept Murai's decision?

Source:Will Miyagi's Cemetery for Muslims Solve Its Depopulation Crisis? JAPAN Forward


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Weekly News Digest

2.Key phrases and vocabulary

First repeat after your tutor and then read aloud by yourself.

  1. 1. irrespective of ~に関係なく、~にかかわらず、~を問わず
    Irrespective of age, everyone can enjoy learning a new language.
  2. 2. feasible 実行可能な、実現可能な;適した、ふさわしい
    Building a house in that area is feasible, but it will be expensive.
  3. 3. align with ~と一致する、~に沿う;~と協調する
    The government’s decision does not align with public opinion.
  4. 4. stall ~を停滞させる、遅らせる、引き止める;失速する、エンストする; 馬・牛房(牛・馬小屋のひと仕切り);露店、屋台
    They tried to stall the decision until more data was available.
  5. 5. return to square one 振り出しに戻る、ゼロからやり直す
    After months of work, a major error forced us to return to square one.


Read the questions aloud and answer them.

  1. 1. Why does Governor Murai support the creation of a cemetery for Muslims?
  2. 2. How does Miyagi Prefecture’s agreement with Indonesia relate to the cemetery project?
  3. 3. What happened to the Islamic burial site project in Oita Prefecture?
  4. 4. What challenges do you think Japan might face in accepting more foreign workers? How could these challenges be addressed?
  5. 5. If your community were considering a similar cemetery project, how do you think people around you would react? Would you support or oppose it?


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Weekly News Digest

「果敢に挑戦」宮城・村井知事 反対など1200件


















出典:イスラム土葬墓地「日本人にも希望者」「果敢に挑戦」宮城・村井知事 反対など1200件 JAPAN Forward


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